Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Detik-detik akhir 2008

2008 will closed in door in couple more hours. I've gone through a lot of things both bitter and sweet in this year. Alhamdullilah juak masih lagik bernafas dan membuka mata mok nangga tahun 2009. Jadi, post kali tok adalah "Refleksi Diri" tentang apa yang dah berlaku dalam hidup aku di tahun 2008 tok.

Orang kata kita jalan harus terus ke depan. Move forward. Tapi kita harus juak ingat pandang belakang dan lihat balit apa yang dah jadi. Mudah-mudahan kita jumpa sesuatu yang boleh bantu kita perbaiki lagik dirik di tahun baru.

Antara perkara-perkara yang dah berlaku dalam hidup aku selamak tahun 2008 tok:

  1. Aku berjaya capai benda yang aku passion with. This is a really good achievements of myself and im proud of it. Aku berjaya buat apa benda yang aku suka tanpa perlu dikongkong oleh sapa-sapa. That's it, aku akan teruskan buat apa benda yang aku suka tapi of course ada batasnya.
  2. Socialize with people. Aku rasa skill aku untuk socialize with people dah makin improve lah taun tok. Kiranya ada juak sedikit keyakinan dengan dirik sendirik. Harap next year aku dapat buang perasaan awkward with peoples.
  3. Masih lagik single. Aku hampir-hampir jak melanggar one of my life principle of not getting couple with any girl sampey abis form 5. Well, ada baitnya juak aku kekalkan prinsip ya. Tapi doesn't meant aku sikda relationship yang banyak dengan perempuan. Just that sik sampey ke level couple iya.
  4. Pertama kali aku failed dalam ujian. Before this sik pernah alu failed dalam test. Tapi semenjak menjejak kaki ke form 4 tok, aku dah rasa kegagalan ya. Tapi sikpa, mudahan kegagalan ya menjadi motivasi untuk aku improve next year. Alhamdullillah aku masih dapat kekalkan rangking dirik aku antara top 10 students dalam kelas selamak hidup sebagai pelajar tok.
  5. Aku manage untuk menjadi seorang yang lebih bertanggungajawab terhadap dirik sendirik. I can't describe this. Tapi, banda tok benar-benar menjadikan aku insan yang sedar terhadap hidup tok. Kita seharusnya sedar sapa dirik kita tok dan sesungguhnya yang di atas nun lebih berkuasa.
Sebenarnya ada macam-macam lagik yang malas aku mok tulis di sitok. Yang pentingnya, kita harus bangkit dari kesilapan semalam dan bangun penuh semangat tempuh hari kemudian. Alhamdullillah akudah berjaya capai some of misi dan visi hidup aku untuk tahun 2008 tok.

Well, you not gonna have anything that you want in your life right? Tapi sik salah mencoba untuk capai sesuatu ya. On the next post aku akan ceritakan pasal apa harapan aku untuk tahun 2009 tok.

Aku dah 16 tahun dah kinektok. Orang puteh padah sweet sixteen. Tahun depan dah 17 tahun dan aku harap pemikiran aku semakin matang terutama dalam membuat keputusan. Mudah-mudahan hijrah keluarga mekorang ke Kuching tok akan membukak chapter baru yang lebih ceria lagik dari sebelum tok.


Friday, December 26, 2008

C.A.G Magazine (Malaysia Local Magazine)

C.A.G Magazine cover

I just recently bought this magazine called C.A.G Magazine. I have saw their advertisements through people Myspace profile comment. Even my friends Lomokikuyu has promoted this magazine in our Artclick Forum. So, why not try it right? So here's my review about this magazine. WARNING! This review is based on my personal opinion.

C.A.G Magazine is a really good magazine. It seems now there's another magazine option for you to choose. I love some of the content in this books. But there's also things that I don't like about CAG Magazine.

What I dislike about C.A.G Magazine

1. Page Design and colour contrast. CAG should take note about this since first impression really influence people to bought your products. There's some page where the images were pixelated and blurred. And also, improve the color contrast the used of fonts. I can't really read some of the words because of the font color and the page backgrounds doesn't match at all. Try to use a good color contrast and blend it together in your page.

2. A lot of typos. I noticed there's a lot of typo too in this magazine. Well, it is not really a big problem. But small things matter right? Try to do some reading proof first before CAG Magazine sent it for print.

3. I don't know whether to read them left to right of right to left. There is one section which is about Malaysia Cosplay in Isu 3 which I noticed that I should read it for right to left instead of the normal way.

4. Repeated content. There's also some repeated content in the magazine especially in the review. I think there's no need to repeat the same fack over again in each page. For example the one that's about the Cap Ayamz band review and also in Antoo Fighter review. Added some spice to the words instead of repeated it.

What I love about C.A.G Magazine

1.They support local acts such as Malaysia bands and clothing line. This is one of the reason why I bought this magazine. Yeah, there's some of the bands that I never knew before and this will help me to added content for my RockMyTune - Music Video & Lyric blog.

3. There's information about upcoming event & gig by the Malaysia local acts. There is a section about this. If you were one of the people that really fansicated about the local scene, then this book is another good resources.

2. Anime Cosplay. Actually, Im not really love anything that is about anime. But cosplay look cool since Shima@Meamizuno is so cute this is something new to me. Not say that I've never heard of them before, but getting know about the peoples is awesome. I also stalk Shima Meamizuno blog. I hope more things about cosplay added in CAG magazine.

Well, CAG Magazine is still worth to be read. There's variety content in it. The comics in it also funny. You also can buy some stuff directly from them. I hope that they will added more information about local bands and clothing line in their magazine. But, more improvements is needed to make CAG Magazine rock out much more better. I will continue buying this magazine when the latest issues out and help to promote it.

Visit CAG Magazine site to get know more about them: blog | myspace

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